Websites are made out of HTML. HTML is the basic code that makes them up. HTML means HyperTextMarkupLanguage.
To make an HTML webpage you don't need any special things. You just need a text editor like notepad that comes preinstalled on windows, but something like Microsoft word or frontpage would be better.
The second thing you need is a web browser and an ISP. A web browser is what you currently are using to read this right now. You will need to test it on multiple browsers like Netscape or internet explorer.
The third thing you need is creativity and everybody has that.
This is how they will look different from text editing and how a browser sees it.
Text Editor
All commands are within triangular brackets < >. They are called tags. When you type something between these tags it means you want to start a command. To end a tag you type </>. That is, you add a / after the first <.
<b>Text</b> would make text display in bold on your page.The majority of webpages are made up of text. To type something into your webpage, simply type what you want to appear on your page. Some common tags are:
<b> = Bold
<br> = Line Break
<p> = Paragraph
<i> = Italic
<u> = Underline
In HTML the sizes range from 1 [Small] to 7 [Big]. To change the size text, you need to type:
<font size="1">Text</font>
In html you can also change the color of the font like this:
<font color="red">
The most common color just use the name but there are also special codes that are usable.
Bright red = FF0000
Purple = CC00CC
Pink = FF66FF
Light Blue = CCCCFF
Lime Green = 99FF99
To use the special codes, type this:
<font color="FF0000">text</font>
To make the whole page a single color you can type this:
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> or <body bgcolor="white">
You can also set a picture to be the background like this:
body {
background-image: url('Picture Link');
Pictures can make a website look much better. They cn brighten it up and .gif file pictures can make it move.
<img src="Link">
If you want to make the picture be in the center, type this:
<div align="center">
You can make a picture be a link by doing this:
<a href="Link">
<img src="Picture"></a>
You can make a text link by doing this:
<a href=“http://Internet URL goes here.”>Title the visitor sees.</a>
You can have an email be on the page like this:
<a href=“mailto:Email”>Contact Us</a>You can
You can make a spreadsheet/table to show off how many you have by doing this:
<tr> - start table row
<td> - start table data cell
type your text or image tags here
<td> - start the second table data cell
type your text or image here
You can have any number of table rows and data cells, as long as you remember to end each tag. The main thing to remember is to start with a <tr>.
Adding extra <tr>'s will add extra rows, and adding extra <td>'s will create an extra cell.
If you just type <table>, then by default the table will have no border. If you want to make your table stand out you can add a border by typing <table border="1">. This will make a thin border appear around your table.
To change the color of it, type <table border="1" bordercolor="red"> to make a table with a thin red border.
When you start a table, you just need to say what color you want the table to be. This will make the inside be a color too. <table border="1" bgcolor="CCCCFF">
To change the size You just need to type width="your value" when you start your table.
<table width="600" height="400"> or <table width="70%" height="50%">
To add music just type <bgsound src="Sound Link"> The files can be .mid, .midi, or .mp3.
This is all you need to be a webmaster. I hope you can now do HTML and make sure to credit me.